Self-Publishing My Book of Poems
A week or so ago, I noticed a link at the bottom of Amazon.com that said “Self-publish with Us.” Intrigued, I clicked the link and discovered that Amazon has a service where a person can create Kindle books and print books using a couple of different services and self-publish them. I have been writing poetry for about fifteen years, and have been collecting the poems into a book which I have been planning to publish at some point. So I thought, Why not publish it this way? It seems quick, simple, and easy.
As a result, I have spent the last week sifting through my poetry, selecting the best poems to publish in an anthology, which I have titled Windows to the Soul. I am pleased to announce the selection and formatting process is finished! I just need to finish designing the cover, and within a couple of weeks I will have a book of poetry for sale. I will probably publish it as a Kindle book first, then as a physical book second, but I haven’t decided yet. Keep checking back for more updates!