Tag: RSS
Posted on Categories Web designI finally figured out a better way to embed my RSS feed on the main page of my Web site. I discovered a tutorial on www.sitepoint.com that really helped a lot. I was able to adapt the PHP script in the tutorial to my feed and it works great!
Site Screenshot
Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign. The basic layout has been done for a month, but I’ve just been fine-tuning it. I finished the home page and another page yesterday, and I thought I’d post a screenshot of the design. The text on the home page isn’t final, but the layout is. I finally got the RSS feed embedded using a script from rrs2html.com. I’m still exploring other solutions, but this one works well and I may stick with it.
Click on the image below to see a large screenshot of my redesign.

Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign…actually, I’m just getting back to it. I stopped working on it for a while to let my ideas kind of simmer, but now I’ve decided to get back to work and finish it. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to embed the RSS feed from this blog onto my main page. I had it working using a tool I found on the Internet, but the tool must have been upgraded because it stopped working. Maybe I’ll just have to write some code of my own to make it work.