Tag: blog
Florida Photoshop Training Workshops
Posted on Categories External Articles, MiscellaneousA couple of weeks ago, LearnKey sent me to Jacksonville, Florida, to help a group of teachers become certified in Adobe Photoshop CS6. I also had the opportunity in October to visit the same school district to train a different set of teachers in Photoshop CC. I had a great time, and I wrote a couple of articles about my training experience on the LearnKey blog:
October 22, 2015: Certification Training in Florida
Last week, I took a trip to Jacksonville, Florida, with LearnKey Sales Champion Scott Walker to train a group of teachers from Duval County Public Schools. The purpose of the three-day workshop was to help each teacher earn their Adobe Certified Associate certification in Photoshop CC. Most of the teachers hold certifications in previous versions of Photoshop, but had not been able to pass the CC certification test. Florida law requires that teachers be certified in the software they teach, so having a certification in a previous version is no longer enough.
When you use a piece of software on a near-daily basis, you come to think of yourself as an expert. The problem with this mentality is you fail to take into account that you are probably using the same tools day after day, never utilizing other features the software has to offer. You tend to forget how to use those features, and sometimes you even forget they exist. Our purpose was to re-introduce those features and help the teachers become comfortable enough to take the ACA exam.
January 28, 2016: Duval County Public Schools Photoshop CS6 Training
A couple of months ago, Scott Walker and I took a trip to Florida to help high school teachers in Duval County Public Schools to become ACA certified in Photoshop CC. Last week, we found ourselves back in Duval helping a group of forty-seven middle school teachers become ACA certified in Photoshop CS6. When we arrived at the school Tuesday morning, we were also asked to introduce them to the IC3 training. By the end of the week, all but seven teachers had passed the Photoshop ACA exam, with several also receiving their IC3 certifications.
Unlike the group we worked with in October, many of the teachers in our training last week had never used Photoshop before. In fact, most of them were not even CTE teachers! It was a new experience working with people who were unfamiliar with the software, and it gave me a greater appreciation for what these teachers must go through every year when they are given a new group of students.
LearnKey 10 Commandments of the PC Tech Wallpaper
Posted on Categories MiscellaneousA few months ago, I wrote The 10 Commandments of the PC Tech, a post about a video created by LearnKey which I was in and helped a lot with. LearnKey’s marketing team has now created a wallpaper featuring images from the video alongside Mike Meyer’s 10 commandments. The wallpaper can be downloaded from LearnKey’s blog for those interested.
LearnKey Blog Guest Post: Woman Turns Alien via Photoshop
Posted on Categories Digital art, MiscellaneousA little while ago, I had the opportunity to write a guest post for LearnKey’s blog, and my post went online today. The post is about a picture I made a while back in Photoshop of an alien while following a tutorial online. We’re going to be filming the Adobe CS5 Suite, starting with Photoshop next week, so I was asked to write a little something showing an interesting way to use Photoshop. Check out my post at blog.learnkey.com/?p=789.
The 10 Commandments of the PC Tech
Posted on Categories Digital art, MiscellaneousLearnKey recently posted a video on YouTube and their blog called “The 10 Commandments of a PC Tech”. The video is an unused segment we shot during the filming of the A+ Certification training with Mike Meyers back in September 2009. It was decided that the segment needed finished and released as a promotional item, so my coworker Steve has been working on it tirelessly for the last little while. When I moved to the Salt Lake office I was conscripted for the video, so viewers playing close attention (and not so close attention) can see my mug sprinkled throughout.
New Blog Theme Installed
Posted on Categories Web designOver the past week, I have been working on a theme for my blog so that it would match my Web site, and now I am finished! I have never created a Blog theme before, so there may be some bugs…Please, everyone, let me know if you find one…
My blog and Twitter
Posted on Categories MiscellaneousAs anyone who has been reading this blog knows, I’ve been trying to get my Web site “out there” more. A couple weeks ago I joined Facebook, and last night I joined Twitter. I just found a cool tool called Twitterfeed, which is supposed to post my blog posts on Twitter. Supposedly, I can also link my Twitter account to Facebook so I can change my Facebook status through Twitter. I tried to set that up last night, but I don’t think it really worked. I’ll have to mess with it more, I guess. I also found a cool tool called AddThis which I’ve added to my blog.
Comments Now Allowed
Posted on Categories MiscellaneousI decided a couple of days ago to allow users to comment on my blog. In an effort to maintain the integrity of my blog, comments can only be added by registered users and comments are reviewed by myself before being posted. Inappropriate, irrelevant, obscene, or offensive comments will not be approved.
Posted on Categories Web designI finally figured out a better way to embed my RSS feed on the main page of my Web site. I discovered a tutorial on www.sitepoint.com that really helped a lot. I was able to adapt the PHP script in the tutorial to my feed and it works great!
Site Screenshot
Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign. The basic layout has been done for a month, but I’ve just been fine-tuning it. I finished the home page and another page yesterday, and I thought I’d post a screenshot of the design. The text on the home page isn’t final, but the layout is. I finally got the RSS feed embedded using a script from rrs2html.com. I’m still exploring other solutions, but this one works well and I may stick with it.
Click on the image below to see a large screenshot of my redesign.

Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign…actually, I’m just getting back to it. I stopped working on it for a while to let my ideas kind of simmer, but now I’ve decided to get back to work and finish it. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to embed the RSS feed from this blog onto my main page. I had it working using a tool I found on the Internet, but the tool must have been upgraded because it stopped working. Maybe I’ll just have to write some code of my own to make it work.