Category: Architectural Designs
Finished Another SketchUp Model
Posted on Categories 3d, Architectural DesignsI finished another house model in SketchUp. This one I designed to be either a small house or a large cabin, and I gave it wood tones for the textures. I originally envisioned it as a sort of lake house, floating on the edge of a lake somewhere, but as I was designing it, it became more cabin-like. Of course it needs a fireplace to be a proper cabin, but I could easily add one. I suppose with a different color scheme it could still be a lake house. Here are the pictures of the finished model:
My House Model is Finished!
Posted on Categories 3d, Architectural DesignsI finally finished my house model. I’m not sure about the colors of the carpet and a few things like that, but SketchUp has a limited amount of textures. I’ll have to go back in later and make some custom textures to get the colors more to my liking.
Here are some pictures of the finished model:
House Model Almost Finished
Posted on Categories 3d, Architectural DesignsI’ve almost finished my SketchUp model of my house design. I still need to add some interior doors in the upstairs rooms and add a few more of the windows. I also need to make all the interior walls and the exterior trim the right colors, and add the posts for the porch roof. Here are some images of the model at it’s current stage of construction:
Web Sites and 3d Models
Posted on Categories 3d, Architectural Designs, Freelance, Web designA couple more sites are online which I helped create. I can’t take credit for any of the designs on either of these sites, but I did some of the back-end coding for them. I wrote the HTML and CSS for www.sinceritybathandbody.com, and I created the Flash menu for www.loopdeloop.net.
The last couple of weeks, I have been neglectful of my posts. I have been doing a lot of thinking and come up with a few ideas. I have also been working on a new set of house plans in Microsoft Visio which I have been turning into a 3d model using Google SketchUp. Here is a screenshot of the in-progress model:
SketchUp Models
Posted on Categories 3d, Architectural Designs, MiscellaneousA while back, I mentioned Google SketchUp, and I have decided to post the renderings of the house plans I created using SketchUp. They are just bare-bones walls, as I have moved on to other projects without finishing them, but here they are: